She is responding with huge smiles to her mommy, daddy, and brother. Her eyes are bright and she's completely interested in everything going on around her. She's able to roll onto her sides and can lift her head to about 45 degrees when laying on her tummy, but she hates it. I try to give her tummy time daily, but it has to be in short spurts because she gets so mad, possibly due to her stomach problems, it may be painful. She's sleeping about 6 hours straight at this time and waking up only once or twice a night to eat, which is nice for me. Maybe she'll sleep through the night before a year and a half, which is when Peyton finally started doing it. She's ahead of the norm in her development, but not nearly as far ahead as her brother was, but I have a feeling she'll be a much earlier talker. She tries to hard to communicate already, imitating sounds you make and vocalizing a lot when she's happy. She also sucks to sooth and the pacifier may soon be a thing of the past now that she's discovered her thumb. It'll be easier once she has more control of her hands and fingers, right now it's kind of luck when she gets it in there and gets really mad when she can't.
We've been camping with her twice now, once at 7500 feet for one night and once at over 10,000 feet for two nights. She does great as long as she's kept warm. She's also getting well travelled. We spent a day in Copper for Daddy's Warrior Dash, and are going to Steamboat this weekend. Next week we will be going to visit Linnea in San Diego so she'll get to go on her first plane ride.
Yesterday she went to her 8 week appointment and weighed in at 10 lbs 9 oz (best guess because she was so wiggly on the scale they were having a hard time getting a reading) and is 23 inches long. That puts her at 80% on the height curve, which I find weird and 35% on the weight. She's a chunky little thing, so I'm not sure that's right. The doctor's office just started using Ipads and I don't think they quite know what they are doing yet. She had her first shots and did well with actually getting the shots, but had a really bad reaction to the dTaP later on in the day, screaming bloody murder and projectile vomiting in the bathroom at Buffalo Wild Wings. I hate that shot, Peyton didn't respond well to his first one either. Once she slept it off she's been absolutely fine today. It was no easier to deal with the second time around. It's so hard to see your baby miserable. She loves the bath, though, so we got in when we got home from dinner and she was happy as a clam. She will definitely be a water lover.
I forgot how fast they grow...can't wait to see what she's doing next month.