Thursday, April 26, 2012

10 months old!

Wow, time flies.  We are only 2 months away from Sierra turning a year old.  Amazing.  This month she's really blossomed personality wise.  She's so giggly and smiley all the time.  She cracks herself up, which is even funnier.  She is a super crawler now, and quick!  Her favorite thing to do?  Take off as soon as her diaper is off and hide around the corner in her brother's room, then laugh hysterically as you come around the corner to get her.  (Yes, we change her on the floor, not a changing table).  Another of her favorite ways to crack herself up?  Drop food on the floor,

She's also developed some pretty severe "stranger danger" becoming very clingy to Mommy.  She used to not care who comforted her as long as someone did, now it has to be Mama.  Speaking of Mama, that's pretty much the only word she using right now.  She'll wave hello and goodbye, but isn't saying either yet.  Even though she's not speaking much, she's a great mimic and her and Peyton will often get going echoing each other.  She's still just got the two teeth on the bottom, but they are all the way in now, giving her grin a new dimension.  She loves to be on her feet, standing as much as she can and starting to cruise the furniture.  We've had a lot of bangs and bruises because of it.  She's testing the waters of letting go, but isn't quite ready yet.

She's still such a great sleeper compared to Peyton, only waking up once a night usually at the most, but getting back to sleep and getting to sleep at night has been more difficult (and by more difficult I mean, still easy compared to 85% of babies), which I think has to do with a couple of back to back illnesses, a cold followed by a stomach flu.  Being in childcare Sierra has had a lot more illnesses at this point than Peyton ever had at this age.

I can't believe babyhood is nearing an end and toddlerhood is just around the corner.  That's why we are getting as much cuddle and squeeze time in now as we can.  Love that baby girl.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

9 months old, let's get moving!

So I'm a bit late, but in order to simplify my life I scheduled Peyton's 3 year well child visit and Sierra's 9 month well child at the same time.  She has really made a lot of progress this month in the mobility arena. She's crawling all over the place, pulls up to standing like it's nothing, and is starting to try and cruise.  She's more verbal than ever and is eating like it's going out of style.  All that eating makes for thighs to write home about.  No one who sees Sierra's thighs can go without making a comment.  They are HUGE!    So she weighed in this month at 18 lbs 13 oz.  She's 27 1/2 inches long.  So she's around the 50th percentile for each.

It seems she may finally be growing out of her dairy allergy.  She's had yogurt puffs and I ate a bite of ice cream on Peyton's birthday and she had no reaction.  Tonight I ate some sushi with cream cheese so we'll keep our fingers crossed.  She's started waving spontaneously, clapping, and dancing.  This is such a fun stage.

She is such a happy child, but so snotty!  I don't know if she has allergies, has sinus issues because of GI issues, is teething or what but I feel so bad for her because she is always either stuffed up or her nose is running.  She still HATES anyone touching her nose, so she is one of those kids that constantly has snot or crusties around her nose and there's nothing I can really do about it.  She's also been sleeping a lot so I think we may be in the midst of a growth spurt.

We changed babysitters recently.  She's doing great.  I hate that they have to go twice a week to a sitter when she is still this young, but things are different than they were when her brother was young.  I at least feel comfortable that she's in a safe environment and getting plenty of stimulation.

That's our baby girl.  We love those smiles so much!